Every child comes with a message that God is as yet not discouraged of man”
Did you know ???
85 – 90 % of the brain development in Human beings happens between the ages of 10 months to 3 years. And the brain activity actually gets less from age 3 onwards.
Why get the Toddlers to school so early?
Toddlers Program was created to facilitate ‘action based learning’ in a fun filled environment. Traditionally toddlers would explore their surroundings and environment in safe and varied ways. However in an increasingly chaotic world this freedom to explore is being suppressed. Today toddlers spend significantly less time ‘on floor’ than they ever used to. This leads to developmental delays and possible future learning and social problems in many children. The sessions are specially designed to correct these lacunas and provide multi-sensory stimulation, i.e. visual, auditory and kinesthetic (touch based) programs in controlled and safe environments. Also when toddlers see other kids of their age they learn to communicate better, take up challenges, make friends and play, laugh and LOVE.
Safe Air-conditioned Environment Play Gym |
Splash Pool Story Telling Theatre |
Water and Sand Play Playing Toys & Teaching Aids |
Parent Counselling Toilet Training |
The range of skills developed are as follows :-
Gross Motor Skills Fine Motor Skills |
Communication Skills Self-Help Skills |
Problem Solving Skills Social Skills |
The range of themes taught are as follows :-
Who am I? The world around me – Plants, Animals, Birds |
Colour my universe All about my senses |
Shapes and Space From cars to boats to planes |
The range of concepts taught are as follows:-
Ascending to Descending Large to Small |
Heavy to Light Thick to Thin |
Touch Board – Rough to Smooth Sorting based on Colour, Shape, Size |
This program will offer the child the opportunity to:
1. Experience a wide range of expressive media for example, clay, watercolors, paints, collage and rhythm and movement with music and dance.
2. Explore an environment that encourages investigation, curiosity, imagination and experimentation.
3. Discover the wonder of the natural world through, sand, water, gardening and natural materials.
4. Learn how to build relationships with other children through shared experiences and negotiated play.
5. Embark on a journey into self-discovery, wonder and creativity.
Our pre- primary environment for young toddlers comprises of a diligent team of teachers , assistant teachers and helpers . The curriculum , equipment and methodology is consistently upgraded to keep up pace with growing education needs.
SENSORIAL : It is the nature of the NYMPH ACADEMY Curriculum to enhance and hone the five senses. The curriculum is desgined to sharpen perceptions and develop the natural senses to their keenest ability . The child will learn to observe and note the smallest differences in size , shape , color , touch , temperature , smell and taste. He will compare these difference and learn to order them .
LANGUAGE: The direct aims for the language curriculum are to develop and strengthen kids ability to make comparisons and decision in determining similarities and differences in words , sounds and written symbols . The language program stimulates self expression and confidence .
Through a phonetic approach a firm basis in spelling and reading is developed . With these acquired skills, reading becomes effortless and pleasurable.
PRACTICAL LIFE: Since children learn through direct experiences , NYMPH THE PRE-PRIMARY organizes opportunities for children to learn while doing .
Through these experiences children established their understanding and acquire social , intellectual and physical skills necessary for the development of meaningful concepts . Going to places and seeing and doing are the vital components of an early education programme .